Sunday, December 28, 2008

Dedication in the Philippines

Following my (Bob's) trip to Hong Kong, I went directly to the Philippines. I was asked to come for the dedication of the new Performing Arts building at Faith Academy Mindanao in Davao. I had helped to lay the ground work for starting the high school (Mindanao International Christian Academy) there, so it was great to be able to go back and see the school since it merged with the elementary school there. I was welcomed by flooding and had to wade in knee deep water into the house where I stayed. But by morning the water had receded. The day before the dedication I discovered that I was the keynote speaker! However, the school also had their Christmas program with the band and choirs performing, so they were not looking for a long speech. It all went well and I was able to meet with some of the leadership from Faith Academy Manila, who came down for the dedication. On the way to Davao, I stopped in Manila to meet with my boss. However, I didn't realize that the Monday I was to be there was a holiday. Not only that, but my boss' sister had been killed in an auto accident and she was in Japan with her family. I did have some time on Tuesday and was able to meet with others in the office. One meeting was very helpful. On the way back to Dallas, I went through Hong Kong again and stayed with Aaron and his family. That was another fun visit. God has been good!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

ICEC in Hong Kong

The International Children's Education Conference in Hong Kong was great! There were about 850 people registered. Unfortunately, about 40 who were coming from Thailand were unable to make it because the airport in Bangkok was shut down. I gave a workshop on "Bilingual Education in International Schools—Feasible or Fantasy?" I had just under 30 people attend and there was lively interaction during the hour and 15 minutes I had. Several came up afterwards and expressed appreciation and some had further questions. It was also a great place to network! I was able to see a number of people that I needed to see and we were able to have supper with two people who are considering joining us as teachers. God is good! Thanks for praying!
Hong Kong 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

In October we had a great time with Eden and Elani, while Ray and Laura were in Guatemela. We put puzzles together...

Read stories...

Went to the Pumpkin Patch...

And had a great time!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

November Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests:
  • Bob leaves for Hong Kong November 24th and will be giving a workshop at the International Children's Education Conference (ICEC). There are 850 people registered. The workshop is on "Bilingual Education in International Schools."
  • Following ICEC Bob will be going to the Philippines to meet with his boss and to attend a building dedication in Davao, Philippines. This is at a school that he helped to get started. Faith Academy Mindanao.
  • Linda will be spending Thanksgiving with Steven and Samantha in Northwest Arkansas.